Synonymous with "AP"
"That AP is pleb. That pleb is AP."
by Impossibubble March 12, 2016
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“Pleb” is a shorthand for the English noun “plebeian,” which means "of lower socioeconomic class"

Online, the term has been often used as a pejorative label for someone who is considered unsophisticated or uncultured, or a person that can be compared as poor to the speaker.

Famous youtuber Dan Howell often refers to roommate Phil Lester as a "coffee pleb" as he only drinks cheap, instant coffee.
Dan: "Phil, we have literally hundreds of gourmet coffees in the cupboard, why are you drinking instant coffee?"
Phil: "I only drink instant coffee."
Dan: "You're such a coffee pleb."
Phil: "Just add water!"
by largepoodle1 April 16, 2015
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stupid person who does or says something not very clever
your a pleb your so stupid why would you do that
by qwertyf February 12, 2008
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1)one who's inferior intelligence results in them making a complete titface out of themselves in public

2)one who has had their brain replaced with a mall cucumber whilst visiting the doctor fora routine check up

also used as the verb

plebbed, or to pleb
"jonny francis is a right pleb," cried cristina

"don't tell me that billy has fucking plebed it up again!"
"jonny francis is a right pleb," cried cristina

"don't tell me that billy has fucking plebed it up again!"
by A_mysterious_lifeform December 12, 2015
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you can never find a Pleb when you need one
by old bill September 24, 2012
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A pleb is a commoner or someone from middle class that is typically despised or hated and gets jumped and beat up on a regular basis by people who aren't plebs.
Guy1:"That Aven is such a hufe fucking pleb."

Guy2: "yeah I think we should go kick hiss ass."

Guy1: "Yeah lets go kick the shit out of him."
by Timothy_Green February 12, 2015
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Name of the shitstain mark left after flushing the toilet. Happens when the water is not hit directly but the shit is deflected off the inside of the basin and remains after flushing.
Hey Jimmy, clean those fucking plebs up or I'm going to fuck you up.
by General Git November 30, 2008
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