common phrase used to describe an object, person, or situation that is crazy or unusual.
"Bro did you hear about that zombie attack in miami... that's pickles bro"

"whattt triple cheeseburgers for $2 at mcdonalds... Are you kiddddin meeeeee?!?!?! wait were gettting ripped off mcdoubles are $1... That shits pickles bro"
by domeburglar June 28, 2012
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When you're absolutely pissed off your face from spirits

Beyond drunk
by bongbongcingchong November 23, 2015
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Name when you are referring to a group of guys who are without girls.
Alright pickles this night is going to blow unless we find some girls.

by Ed James II June 26, 2007
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A man who is dedicated to one thing and one thing only, “the gear”. If you thought you could punch gear, your wrong. Being a Pickle is the ultimate praise to a fellow man of the “sesh” and many pickles have been documented throughout history as ultimate gear aficionados. Furthermore if you find yourself in a position of being a pickle, double check by asking a fellow mango or pumpkin to make sure.
by Fruit Salad December 27, 2021
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A wrinkly vegetable that tastes quite good. Goes well with hamburgers.
Do you want Pickles on your burger?
by The Mofos October 16, 2003
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cucumber plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. The vine is grown on the ground or on trellises, often in greenhouses.
The fruit is commonly harvested while still green, though generally after the fruits outgrow their spines. They are eaten as a vegetable, either raw, cooked, or made into pickled cucumbers

It also refers to small penis.
by Chance1826 September 5, 2006
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