A term mainly used by whites to make them sound more black. Typically used to sound more thuggish, like they are from the streets when really they are most likely from a middle-class suburb family and have maybe smoked pot. Most likely the worst they have done is they got caught with a fake ID. Caution: people who claim to have 'street cred' probably have not spent any time on the street other than doing shopping downtown.

Also, people who try to pretend like they know how to live on the streets to sound cool obviously have not lived on the streets and probably have some issues.
"Ya, I got street cred. I once knew a black guy who went to jail."
"Living on the streets is dope, yo. I know, because I have street cred."
by RuKast March 13, 2007
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Something "photographers" comment on facebook pictures, indicating that they took the picture and that they are artistic and/or deep.
Adam: sick picture

Cole: thanks man

Rachel: photo cred!
by pizzazzzz December 12, 2010
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Google credibility -- The amount one's name and info appears when being searched on Google.
I can't take him seriously with his bad G cred.
by John Follis April 3, 2006
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A term originated from upper middle class and corporate America to try to establish an achievement system on any act that sounds or seems "urban" or "ghetto" that they ultimately don't understand or have had no real life experience in.
"Street cred?" When was the last time someone from the ghetto actually used that term? There is a more common term used in the ghetto-- it's called respect.
by tehhuh March 25, 2008
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Props or respect gained at the office for dating the prettiest women in the office.
Bob: Hey where is Mike?

Tom: He is taking that new secretary to lunch today.

Bob: The hot one in accounting?

Tom: Yeah, his cube cred is through the roof.
by chiguy61 December 15, 2010
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Short for Nail Credit, 'Nail Cred' stems from being nailed in a back alley. The more Nail Cred one racks up, the more one can be nailed in a back alley.

Nail Cred can be given or recieved:
- the reciever of Nail Cred has the potential to be nailed in a back alley by whoever gave it.
- the dispenser of Nail Cred has the potential to nail whoever they gave it to in a back alley.

The act of being nailed in a back alley is commonly referred to as 'cashing in your Nail Cred'.

Note that it does not always have to be announced when you give/have been given some Nail Cred. Simply getting on someone's nerves is usually enough to increase your Nail Cred with them. Indeed, the act of annoying someone is commonly referred to as "Racking up Nail Cred"

Lorenzo: "Saunders has been racking up some serious Nail Cred with me recently. I think it's time he cashed it in"
Adam: You're such a gimp.
Dan: Have some Nail Cred.
by Byntje May 31, 2007
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Short for nerd credibility. It's anything you say or do that gives credibility to the claim that you are a nerd.
James lost all his nerd cred when he couldn't name a single marvel superhero.
by Obara April 20, 2017
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