when a person likes to make sweet love to an obese person.
bill-"hey jude, did you know steve likes obeseality!"

jude-"dude! thats nastey!"
by f*ckin henri! November 6, 2009
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a person that is overly obese. they have many many many chin rolls, fat rolls, and their buttox is so large they have to have custom made toilets.
ali: "omgsh katie, carely is SUCH AN OBESER!!!"

katie:"HOLY FREAKIN CRAP I KNOW! SHE HAS LIKE 50 CHINS!!! its disgusting"
by Shantal July 26, 2006
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Eduardo is fucking obesity itself he is so overweight, he has to waddle like a fucking penguin
by Xxx tentachode February 23, 2019
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Willfully consume quantities of non-healthy food while knowingly gaining weight and not giving a fuck.
- Whatchadoin?

- Just obesing my third pizza.
by primalr April 23, 2017
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a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among body size determine individual achievement or worth, usually involving the idea that skinny people are superior and have the right to rule fat people.
"Hey man you constantly hide behind me during dodgeball games, ask if I want butter when I try to walk through a door, call me when they run out of floats at the pool, and try and see how many small children you can fit in my pants. I'm so tired of your fucking obesism you scrawny cocksucker."
by McAlfy October 16, 2009
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