An insulting nickname for early US Italian immigrants. They acquired over 50 different nicknames (according to Irving Lewis Allen - 1983), one of which was spic.
Man 1: Look at Tony's hair. It's so greasy!
Man 2 (calling out to Tony): "Hey, Spic, come over here. I need some oil for my salad!"
by jbdean August 5, 2010
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An offensive, racist word for a Latino person (i.e. Mexico, Puerto Rico, South America).
It was originally spelled spick, a contraction of "Spanish Mick" (Mick being slang for an Irishman). Since both Irish and Hispanics are Catholic, as opposed to Anglo-American Protestants, people stereotyped Spanish and Irish into a single group based on their faith, hence Spanish Mick, or spick.
Redneck: Damn dirty spics! Thinking they can take MY hard-earned money for welfare!
by Colder November 17, 2011
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This is for all the brown people...
Spanish Person in Charge. I called my mexican boss a spic once when I was mad and I was absolutely correct, ha ha!
The spic is busting my balls big time about writing that memo, what a pain!
by LadyLuck133 March 26, 2009
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The most degenerate, disgusting, stinks to flood America and make it look like a Central American slum and basically strip America of its identity
Tourist: Why are there so many of them here? I don’t even feel like I’m in America

Smart American: because they’re degenerate scums who we call ‘spic
by Critical Thinker December 5, 2020
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as in 'Spic and Spam', a modern reinterpetation, it is used to describe something pleasing or positive
"Thats pretty damn spic"

"That was spic as"
by posba September 3, 2009
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Spic (Spiggoty or Spick) a offensive (slur) term used towards a person who’s from Central America, South American, and the Caribbean.
Person A: Sorrie I dont Spikka da English I just came frrome El Salvador.

Person B: You Spic, speak English this is America or Go back were you came from! Spic
by I speak facts, stay mad August 28, 2022
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Derogatory term for a native decsendant. Racial stereotype.
If he is Mexican then he is a dirty spic.
by XsilverBulletX November 9, 2018
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