Someone who says memes or makes you cringe infront of your friends
Yaan: *Says some cringey Jojo engrish bullshit"
Dyan: Bro stop being such a nord
by GapBubble August 24, 2022
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punch my grandma in the knee, push my mom down the stairs, hit my brother with a cast iron skillet, throw a pan at my grandpas grave

This is what the word Nord means and not Nord VPN
by Nord Man January 3, 2022
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"Nord" the opposite of a nerd. A nerd who's usually smart but getting hated, but this time , A "Nord" who's not smart and still hated in the same time.
by Princess Fart April 22, 2023
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He/she/it is feeling NORD.
We/they are feeling NORD.
I am feeling NORD.
by April 15, 2023
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When something is a sponsor and you want to sponsor the sponsor
“A road to a collision to- Before we continue this let’s give a thanks to Nord VPN our sponsor.”
by Makerandtaker1292 April 1, 2023
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