The most prestigious law school in America and perhaps even the world. Yale Law School has been consistently ranked the best law school in the country for the past thirty some years and is well revered for its immensely successful and notable alumni, all of whom are perhaps colloquially regarded as the best of the best lawyers in America. Yale Law School is also considered the most difficult law school to get into with an acceptance rate usually hovering at around 9%.
Boss "My son's going to insert law school
Father "My sons going to Yale Law School"
by LegallyBrunette December 2, 2017
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A scenario in which a prestigious institution is in close competition with a slightly less prestigious institution. Named after, of course, Harvard and Yale.
Both sports teams were good, but one always seemed to push just a little past the other. It was a real Harvard-Yale situation.
by crohall May 13, 2011
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To turn up really hard after studying like crazy all week.
Yeah bro, I was so stressed out this week with exams. I'm gonna ale my yale this weekend.
by GatorGirl27 September 22, 2015
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basically a nerd but much more humorless and pretentious
he's such a yale boy
by lanecountry4 October 19, 2021
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Defintion is the Yale of Shad
Shad of Yale located in sibera acorn of russia(Shadrach Yale)
by Yander Von Vinklestien February 1, 2008
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When a person licks there thumb after putting it in a butthole
I hit a yale with my gf.
by Causenot April 3, 2022
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