a common typo of the word "both." Typo is often left intact when one is being spanty.
We can't moth go. Someone has to stay home with the kids.
by Molly918 February 13, 2009
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irish slang for a girlfriend,
often said like 'moh' instead of 'moth'
person1:ah did you see jamie got a new moth on saturday

person2:ye fucking lovely she is
by h0lly x September 6, 2015
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"Mother on the hunt". 'nuff said. Synonym: cougar.
At a bar location "watch out for that MOTH, man. A few more drinks and she'll have ya".
by TomasB September 14, 2007
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Being attracted to an immobile object usually with fatal results.
When you see a Highway Patrol with someone pulled over, change lanes so you don't moth into his trunk.

The red and blue flashing lights made Bill start mothing toward the HP cruiser.
by Papa McCain March 4, 2010
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A moth is also a cross between a goth and a mosher. So Generally a grunger with their own unique style.
Jen : Yer, i mean seriously, cant that guy over there make up his mind as to what he is
Lucy : I know! We may as well call him a moth.
by ~*~ Jayde ~*~ July 10, 2005
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a bug that anoys the shit out of u
by 1p0 December 13, 2017
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