Noun: Something that exists in the utmost sense of profundity. It is unique, provocative, insightful, and even philosophical; it makes one think deeply.
A book by Albert Camus, "L’étranger" ("The Stranger"), can be characterized as such. The hero of the tale is a sociopathic man, completely out of touch with his emotion, to the extent of arbitrarily killing another person. It is written in such a way that one is led to feel sympathetic with a murderer.

In a sentence:

"I saw Donnie Darko last weekend; the movie was a complete mindfuck."

As applied to philosophy:

"Nietzsche's metaphor in the presence of The Madman and its relevance to the concept of Ubermensch and the notion that humanity has killed God is utterly mindfucking."
by Samantha Morgan September 17, 2009
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Brainwashed since toddlerhood by a paternal parent to believe that you are useless, stupid, an intentional fuckup, a burden, unworthy of food, support or any kind of positive attention, should never have been born, and you will never be as important as him.
Some asshole paternal parent of mine had a pathetic need to mindfuck me when I was growing up.
I was completely mindfucked back then.
My shitty asshole paternal parent was the source of my mindfuck.
by The Real Fake Pseudo February 5, 2014
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A term that rose to popularity after PDiddy said in the spring 2010 movie "Get him to the greek". Herds of sheep then began to say it to describe the summer 2010 movie "Inception".
PDiddy: "I'm mindfucking you right now"
Jonah Hill: "I hope you're wearing a condom because I have a dirty mind"

Random Guy/Sheep: "Dude, Inception was such a mindfuck!"
by realdanger July 22, 2010
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NEVER LOOK THIS UP ON GOOGLE IMAGES. By saying this I realize that it makes you want to do it more, see reverse phsycology. I'm not sure what it was that I looked up, but I saw an image that said,
when you see it..."
By the time I finished reading the captio- AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Man I shit bricks all day after that, those images are fucking horrifying!
Just make sure you HAVE crapped and pissed before you look this up, because if you shit and piss at the same time in you pants, hahaha that would be fun to watch! Plus you'd need some new underwear, shorts, a couch, carpet, and dignity. If I could hack this page to have a mindfuck image, I would, believe me. Sadly though I can't even hack mario kart wii.
by A7X forever August 12, 2010
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An internet meme inwhich one would present an image with the caption saying: "mindfuck- when you see it, you will shit bricks". The image would seem like a normal, harmless image, but would reveal something horrifying/ unusual if stared at long enough.
Hm... i cant seem to see the mindfuck...-oh no shit!
by Evolver32 January 25, 2010
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