Helping Verb.
Usually combined with "go" in the present tense or "went" in the past tense to describe an unbelieveably cool or Matrix-style action. Sometimes involves quick reflexes (usually in dodging or blocking things), or violence.
"I went totally Matrix on that kid who tried to steal my cotton candy."
"Dude, stop fucking around or I'll go Matrix on you."
"That was so Matrix when you dodged that hot dog."
by Silence February 29, 2004
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Matrixism is a stupid wannabe religion created by computer nerds. Although the fist Matrix film is one of the best action movies ever, taking this seriously is stupid beyond recognition. Matrixism teaches that the matrix is real and that we're all part of it.

If the Matrix was real one of two things would have happened 1. agents would have assassinated the founders of Matrixism, 2 Zion rebels would have awakened the founders of Matrixism. Since neither of the aforementioned consequences have happened Matrixism has been proven to be fake. They also support illegal drug use and vandalism. This could become the next Scientology.
Nerd #1:

Wow! that was such an awesome movie.

Nerd #2:

Yeah maybe we are in the Matrix now and we should do drugs to wake up from it.

Nerd #1:

And get the girls to! Hooray for Matrixism!
by redcommander27 September 13, 2007
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1) The karma sutra of special effects and unique camara angles that changes the audiences perspective and is the basis for every regurgitated charlie's angel movie.

2) Any movie where the primary movie should have not been followed by a sequal but corporate automatas and coka cola product spots have swayed middle class directors and screen writers to sell there soul for 5 more minutes of fame

3)A great movie consisting of a pasty white guy and a magic negro.
1) The House of the Dead was the worst movie ever, save for the matrix and titties.

2)Jurassic park was glorious until they matrixed it.

3) Whats a better example of a matrix than Kazaam.
by travos November 18, 2003
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n.A place that is pulled down right in front of your eyes to blind you from the real world. Part of a computer program designed to save the race of humanity.
Morpheus takes Neo and teaches him how to live in the Matrix
by Homer May 16, 2003
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A movie that has good concept and philosiphy, but was overrated by special effects and political attention.

The matrix is a computer system that makes up for a false conscousness for people, brainwashing them into believing anything they want. This sums up for all the real psychics, clarvoyants, and telekenis-enabled people, they have simple overcome certain elements of the matrix.

Compare to academia
Time Cube shows us that acedamie exists only to brainwash humans with word god.
by restin256 November 16, 2003
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a)A movie trilogy that could be described as Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars meets Terminator meets anime meets a whole lot of philosophical mumbo jumbo and with some greek/christian themes thrown in the mix. Oh yeah sprinkle with some flying kung fu and slow motion shooting. A kickass movie, but instead of getting better as it went along, it got a bit worse (yet still kickass).

b)A great movie consisting of a pasty white guy and a magic negro. (lol)
a)I went to see the Matrix, and it was kickass, and it made me think a little... naw i'm just kidding it was just kickass.

b) magic negro: No one can tell you what The Matrix is, you must find out yourself.
pasty white guy: I know kung fu!
by Omega P-Man April 8, 2004
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The nearly omni-present curtain of illusion, obfuscation and confusion created by the intelligence community, intelligentsia, and invisible ruling elite (Illuminati) to hide the truth, their source of power. It is similar to Maya and Mega-Babel (a.k.a., "Babylon the Great"). It also possesses connotations of Mother worship.
"I can see the Matrix, but I can't see what's on the other side."
by Uziyahu July 11, 2006
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