n. the total amount of sperm ejaculated in one orgasm.
Just as Tyrone arched his back prepatory to cumming, Brie Ann deepthroated his dick causing his seed to be propelled directly into her stomach. After it was all over, she kissed him with no salty aftertaste or cum odor on her breath.
by Richard Black April 29, 2005
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An individual who lacks overall motivation, determination, and any type of work ethic.

The person that is being referred to as a “load” can also be a “good guy”. In turn this makes the one stating the aforementioned “load”reference feel neutral in opinion.
(Name) is a total load but he’s a “good guy

That guy is a load

Refer to: Good Guy
by Mowing Money December 29, 2020
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Ohh man i just blew my load in your mom's mouth.
by Alex February 24, 2003
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grand theft auto has one of the worst loading screens of any game.
GTL for grand theft loading instead of gta for grand theft auto
by dtwot March 1, 2018
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1. A large amount of something. Often combined with an expletive or a noun representing a container of some sort.
2. An intentional fabrication, short for "A load of bull."
3. The amount of semen ejaculated in a single orgasm.
4. The amount of feces excreted in one trip to the toilet.
1. That's a boatload of money!
2. That kid claims he has an IQ of 322. What a load.
3. I shot my load all over her face.
4. Man, that's a load off!
by The Cowardly Lion August 26, 2005
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1. Jizz
2. Metallica’s 6th studio album that was released in 1996. It was very controversial amongst old school metallica fans because of the change in music style.
1. Guy: Dude im bout to blow my load
2. Dude metallica fucking sold out when they made load.
by metalhead102218 April 28, 2019
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