a woman from latin descent (Spanish speaking countries) , latina's are sexy and the finest woman in the world. they are known for their big booties and their sexy curves , they have beautiful dark tan skin and black hair...
whoa that Latina over there is sexy
by goldenkurls November 13, 2014
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A woman or girl of Spanish descent who are really mean and who likes to play around with guys feelings and hope from one guy to the next. They know how to dance and they are the experts on grinding. If you ur not Latino and ur dating a full Latina girl watch out she'll make ur life hell
"That Latina just went off on that guy"
by Latina12343 July 11, 2017
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Some of the most obnoxious women I have ever seen. The kind of people that tell us not to be racist, yet they categorize themselves by doing things such as posting retarded definitions on this site like,
"LaTiNaS R lYkE dA sExCcIeSTtt wOMeNs AlivE n DeY Rr bEttA tHn dA othA whiTe GurLS"
These assholes are probably the ones that came up with typing like retards because they think its cute.
Also some Latinas think they can get away with being fat and wearing skimpy tight clothing. COVER UP. Also, the not-so-obese Latinas, PLEASE COVER UP ALSO. You're disgusting and nobody likes the flab of fat hanging out of your clothing. You only get men because they know you're willing for sex.
Brigid: Hey Rachel, that shirt makes you look fat.
Rachel: Really? I th-
Lucia: HEY BITCH! You callin me fat? Well you messin with da wrong latina. Ima get Latisha, Latifa, and oscar on your sorry ass.
by Autumunge July 7, 2006
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"They spicy, they can cook, they care about those close to them and they will literally beat your ass for letting yourself go Like if you go “i’m not going to the gym today babes, deadass tired af” fuckin latinas will straight uppercut you until you do a deadlift" ~Alex "FutureMan" Poole (2030), (2019)
fuckin latinas
by 369_M September 19, 2019
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Skanks that love anal sex. Very rude and annoying.
That latina wouldnt shut up til i put it in her ass
by John February 3, 2005
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Latin women are very moody, jealous, fierce women that probably need a strong man to handlle them.

I've tried picking up on Latina's but they give me the "I don't go for white boys line" most of the time, the younger ones seem to be attracted to black and latin men some of the older ones go for white men, makes ya wonder if it's for the money...
who you tryin' to get crazy with ese? don't you know I"m loco....
by jim April 24, 2005
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Old term - any woman whose origin language is Latin, but this includes women anywhere in the world that speaks a year Latin form language, that would include Romanians and they're NOT Latinas they're Balkan!

Modern term - Sexy beautiful women whom are of Spanish origin mainly born in South America and started dancing salsa before they would ride a bike, curvy, natural dark hair, fun attitude, all round stunning.
Mike "Dam she knows how to move"
Jorge "Of course she is latina"
by Señorita 06 June 9, 2016
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