Committing a crime so you can go to prison just to get laid.
"dude you hear about Mike?"


"He ran naked into a church and shit on the altar"

"Wtf why?"

"It was a Lang's Gamble, he figured he'd go to jail and could find a man to sleep with."

"Bold move"
by TimesAreToughMan December 29, 2021
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One of the best Jodlers in history, who is guaranteed to liven up a party or festival(primarily in German speaking countries)
They had Franzl Lang come and play at the Hofbrauhaus, what a party...
by Dapper731 January 19, 2017
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some big booty dude who literally warps gravity because of his absolute dump truck
Bill Nye: Bro why is gravity all messed up?
Sir Isaac Newton: dude its Aiden Lang's big booty
Bill Nye: Oh damnnnn its so jiggly
by sussy person ;) June 15, 2021
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Gang originated from the streets of "Foster City" created by the leader "Gang Lan Chris" (Christian). He is know for his popular saying "They dont call me gang lan chris fo nothin". Coe lang is one of the most dangerous gangs located in Foster City.
"On coe-lang ni, blah ah ha ha ah"
by lka;sdlfk December 7, 2020
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A professional paintball player, often regarded as the best in the world. Made history in 2006 by joining the Los Angeles Ironmen with a signing bonus of $100,000.
Oliver Lang once again led team Ironmen to victory
by Burritoconchitaf December 28, 2007
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Artie Lang? Oh--you mean the Howard Stern show got a REAL comidian..not like that Soupy Sales Mutha Fukka Jackie "The Asskisser" Martling?
by Andi February 9, 2005
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Degenerate gambler, whoremonger, and boozer. Was also is some crappy movies. Let me sum him up in 2 words..My hero
Artie lange, in Vegas, during March Madness...I'm there
by Teabag March 28, 2005
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