English slang with a similar meaning to simp. However, a lamp, instead of doing nice things to who they lamp on for attention, do things to harm that person verbally or emotionally in order to fuel their lampy (and most likely horny) attitudes towards the person they are obsessing over.
Eddy: “Have you seen Terry? He’s been lamping on Suzie for weeks now. We should probably help.”
Luke: “Yeah he’s such a lamp. We should tell him to stop.”
by Pepsi Needs IRN BRU November 30, 2020
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Short for: Look At My Penis

A person who thinks that having an expensive car, being buff, and knowing about guns will make people think that he has a large penis, when in fact they have a very small penis.

Featured on a PSA from the popular DeadpoolAndFriends Youtube channel.
Guy 1: Check out my awesome Hummer! It's so badass. It's like fifty times cooler than your car!

Guy 2: Dude, you're such a LAMP. We all know you have a tiny penis, so stop showing off your damn car.
by WadeWilson April 29, 2010
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verb. the act of murdering someone and then claiming it was in self defense, especially when the 23 stab wounds are attributed to falling on a broken lamp.
Varg Vikernes totally lamped the hell out of Euronymous
by Geitfaust July 11, 2008
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Cork Slang
Look at, look towards, notice, observe, watch.
Lamp the Gatch on dat feen.

Translation - Take a look at how that person walks. Don't you think it's a bit unusual?
by Jackelrayn June 27, 2006
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a device for giving light, either one consisting of an electric bulb together with its holder and shade or cover, or one burning gas or a liquid fuel and consisting of a wick or mantle and a glass shade.
I turned on the lamp in my room last night because I was afraid of the dark
by EsertWhale99 October 26, 2022
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