A synonyme for sh*t that's bad or messed up for whatever reason. Always in a negative context.
Clean all this jazz up.
That jazz is wack.
by Anonymous July 18, 2003
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amazing girl who is so fly and everyone wants her.
Man that Jazz, I wish I could get a piece of that.
by josh November 25, 2004
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crappyiest piece 'of so called music' ever made.. whoever likes it is a FREAK!
here's what i hear: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, very annoying... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
by Anonymous October 8, 2003
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A word used to express pretty much anything good, but usually in the subject of women. The word was derived by a small boy named Edgar from Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Tay Tay: Hey man that girl is bending over.
Tommy: Jaazzzzzz
by fuck you man June 19, 2005
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Similarily known as "playing jazz", "listening to jazz". With reference to the type of music known as jazz, there is none. The word is an off-shoot of the word "jizz" (otherwise known as cum, spunk, skeet, etc.) that can be used in a setting where said dialogue may be deemed as inappropriate, to describe the action of ejaculating.
I'm saving up all my jazz to give to my girlfriend tonight.
by DeekYou December 24, 2009
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Oh man, that smells awful. Did you jazz?
by T-Hatch May 1, 2006
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Slang term meaning to take what is not yours.
by William B. November 21, 2006
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