India isn't only a country but a name for amazing and beautiful girls.
If you meet an India, and if you're lucky enough to become her friend, stay on her good side. India's aren't afraid to kick your arse when the need arises, they make amazing friends and will always stay by your side. She will never seize to amaze you with hidden intelligence and kindness. On the outside they may seem like they don't really care but really she is an amazing g and caring friend. She's strong on the outside and pushes you away when she's upset and scared but really she is feeling insecure and really needs you by her side - but don't push her to say something she doesn't want to. She is a beautiful girl on the inside and out, even if she is a little dark and dirty minded.
She will always protect and respect those close to her heart and will always be there for you. But when it comes down to sleeping and picking up the phone at three in the morning, her bed will win over. She prefers to stay at home and have friends over but she still likes a good drink once in a while.

She isn't easily influenced but is known to be guilted into doing things.
She is feisty and likes a good play fight with her best friends but will easily knock you off your feet if she deems necessary. She loves a good laugh and jokes are always a good way to clear the air between you.
She's very sneaky and if you don't hold on tight enough she might just slip out of your fingers. Love her like she loves you
Person A : "Look over there."
Person B : "She really cares about her friend."
Person A : "Must be an India."
by YoungAspiringWriter June 17, 2017
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A country with most beautiful women who come in all colors and shapes. They are loyal, friendly and good in bed.

India is also the most diverse country in the world and yet all of the people are so fucking united and easy going. It is also the most spiritual culture in the world.

Indian economy is also the fastest growing major economy in the world. In a few years, india will become a major superpower like China.
Joe - I am going to visit india this winter, i heard from a friend that its a damn good place. A lot of great food and fucking great culture and stuff like that.
by Ace4077 November 20, 2019
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The baddest bitch you will ever see, shes popular, and you may have seen her on instagram, and she is very positive and kind. She also will go from 0 to a 100 real quick, so watch your back. But other than that shes amazing.
John:"i needed someone to talk to so i called india"
by Iniyzah July 4, 2016
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The place where I was born. We almost have the largest population in the world.
Guy: Indians are virgins
Me:*shows him populations*
Me:fuck off you clapped cunt
by That one 🅱️🅾️I May 17, 2018
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India is a girl who is cute, but can be sexy when she wants to. All the boys secretly love her, and there's always on in particular that seems to catch her eye, she needs confermation that someone likes her, and she needs a lot of affection. She is kind and a giver, but when someone mistreats her she knows when to draw the line. India is good at everything, and is very creative. When she is in a relationship she only says yes when she really wants you, and won't break up unless you've hurt her; don't underestimate India, she kicks ass, and is super strong!
All the boys liked India and the girls got jealous, but she fixated on only one.
by Dreamy eyes April 7, 2017
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India will be your best freind. she is loyal and popular and pretty and if you get bullied, she will beat their ass up
India is the best
by SarahXIndia June 24, 2021
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