Someone asking how fast they have to walk for people to not realize they have dupe shoes. Respond with a joke. I.e. "bro can meditate" or "bro gotta start running💀"
Person 1: bro how fast do I have to walk?
Person 2: you can fucking meditate dude.

Person 1: bro how fast do I gotta walk?
Person 2: Nah you have to teleport or some shit.
by Homosheshuals January 15, 2023
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An expression taken from an old, old joke that describes a persons failure to grasp the obvious or demonstrate such intellectual ineptitude as to illicit a comment of " How Do It Know?"

The joke refers to a question posed to a scientist by a student ( or in variations IBM executive and employee, Republican and voter..ect...)"Sir in your opinion what is the worlds greatest invention?" asked a student. The scientist replied "The thermos bottle!" "Why?" asked the student, obviously confused. " Well" said the scientist, "it keeps cold drinks cold in the summer and hot drinks hot in the winter." holding up his thermos bottle in awe,"How do it know?"Also see No Shit Sherlock, Duh and George W Bush
The doctor looked at the thermometer then at the patients sweat covered brow and soaked bed clothes. "Any fever? "he asked the patient. " The nurse shook her head muttering in disbelief " How do it know? "
by KungFu Donut February 7, 2008
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A phrase upon uttering of which you effectively rid yourself of an undesired partner after sexual intercourse.
You: Oh baby, that was great. How much do I owe ya?
A girl: Fuck you! I ain't no fucking whore! *leaves*
by PoopyPoo December 5, 2004
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A question asked to spot the kinky ones in a group.
Guy: How many do you like in your ear?

Girl: Usually 3 but I can do up to 5 after I’ve had a few drinks ;)
by ponyspank69 April 29, 2021
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