Okay, anyone who thinks a “Hotbox” has anything remotely to do with smoking…is dead wrong. Its not smoking in your car, its not smoking in your restroom…heck, it has nothing to do with smoking anything, at all. The term has been around since the 1880s, and here is what it truly means:

A hot box is the term used when an axle bearing overheats inside a railroad car’s Journal Box. The Journal is a cast to the truck frame box in which the axle bearings were housed in. It used oil-soaked rags or cotton packing to reduce the friction of the axle against the truck frame. When the oil leaked or dried out, the bearings overheated often starting a fire or melting and locking up the wheel, causing a derailment or burning the train car if not detected early enough.

That…is a HOTBOX
"Ah blow the air, I see that boxcar's gotten a hotbox again."

"Look at that trail of smoke coming from the locomotive, looks like she has a hotbox"

"I told yah to oil the bearings...now we have a hotbox!
by realityrailroad November 28, 2010
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A practice in persuasion where a person or several people who want to convince another person to do or believe something bombard that person with statements and questions trying to force the person to make a decision.
They were hotboxing me to buy their extra ticket - but I don't even want to go to that show.
by Superchuck500 May 28, 2008
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HOtbox is an action of circle jerking in a sauna.You must shit into the hot coals to make a sort of shit soup.then you start jerkin off and the last one to jizz has to eat the shitty soup while everyone else laughs at them.
Bob:haha you hav to eat my shit soup

Billy:i LOVE to hotbox i get to touch guys cocks and eat shit, oh what fun

Bob:i will never hotbox with you again
by Emer flor June 6, 2006
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to keep all of your cheeba smoke in a closed are so u can make the room harder to see in and grab peoples privates
we decided to hotbox thorogoods room so jimmie could fee up some broad.
by Jon Sepulveda March 5, 2003
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The art of expelling fireballs out of ones arse to incinerate any nearby hostiles. To be used when all other avenues are expended.
"Hey, back off man, dont give me shit or I'll hotbox yo ass."
by Jacomo March 30, 2007
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Hotboxing is not when you smoke in a fuckin car you losers.
Everyone who thinks that, needs to die. Because you don't know half a shit about smoking weed.

Hotboxing has to do with water vapor... say you turn on the shower, to as hot as it can get, and the sink.. put a towel uner the door so no air can get in... wait until it gets FULL of hot air, nice and humid... THAN you start smoking.. thats where the vapor comes in. Vapor in the air emphasizes your high. (smoking in a car? that does nothing for your high.. thats fuckin pointless)

So for all you people who think hotboxing has anything to do with a car.. your dumb and you dont know shit.

"aye holmes, you wanna hotbox your bathroom?!"

by HerbGod420 October 3, 2007
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Hotboxing is not when you smoke in a fuckin car you losers.
Everyone who thinks that, needs to die. Because you don't know half a shit about smoking weed.

Hotboxing has to do with water vapor... say you turn on the shower, to as hot as it can get, and the sink.. put a towel uner the door so no air can get in... wait until it gets FULL of hot air, nice and humid... THAN you start smoking.. thats where the vapor comes in. Vapor in the air emphasizes your high. (smoking in a car? that does nothing for your high.. thats fuckin pointless)

So for all you people who think hotboxing has anything to do with a car.. your dumb and you dont know shit.
"hey man, you wanna hotbox your bathroom?"

"yeah man"
by HerbGod420 October 3, 2007
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