GUY #1: I got rejected by five girls in one night.
GUY #2: harsh realm, dude!
by JohnnyLurg August 20, 2011
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that’s harsh is a common catchphrase if something bad happens, or maybe if someone roasts you
you: ur ugly
me: oof thats harsh
by teletub June 25, 2018
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Chris just got hurt real bad

Mate that is harsh bowl
by Burty Boy May 1, 2008
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When you can't swear, use harsh letters (letters used in place of the obscenity)
using harsh letters...
(around parents)
person 1- drops something heavy
person 1- "SON OF A B"
parents- good save, little jimmy

by scene_hU July 31, 2006
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If classical music is the head of the body of music, harsh noise is the asshole. Made usually by chaining guitar pedals through each other to produce a harsh noisey (hence the name) sound to fuck the dead child next door to. Artist like Merzbow are examples of harsh noise music. Titles and ideas are usually focused around gore, sexual explicitness, death, sadism, torture, and many combinations of those.
Damn man, that harsh noise set really made me want to dig up a body.
by faminerot January 21, 2018
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When one inhales too much of the marajuana smoke, it rapes their lungs.

followed by: Extreme hacking, glazed eyes, laughter & an Instant High :)
Guy: *brews toke* "here.." *passes to girl*

Girl:*takes fat toke*&*coughs uncontrollably*

Guy: "damn, that was a harsh toke, you ok?"

Girl: *looking stoned as hell* "yea, I'm good :)" <-- says in a hoarse voice, smiling.
by ..Stoner.Kitten.. November 20, 2005
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To have your high expectations destroyed by harsh reality.
Dude, I was hoping for an A+ in Torts but I got totally harsh realmed by the Professor.
by PARTNOR AT DAVIES June 13, 2008
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