A Grog Rash is when your face gets really red especially around your cheeks and eyes, when you drink alcohol.
Check out the Grog Rash on that kid... He's practically glowing.
by Andy18 February 9, 2007
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Australian slang for a medical condition which results from excessive alcohol consumption. Physical symptoms resemble those of a severe hangover (nausea, headache, physical malaise, tremors etc), however the Grog Horrors is accompanied by marked psychological symptoms which include (but are not limited to): profound feelings of self-loathing, regret, loss of self worth, depression, self-resentment. An attack of the Grog Horrors may occur spontaneously but is more commonly provoked by a hazy memory of inappropriate behaviour while under the influence. While the symptoms of an acute attack of the Grog Horrors usually subside within 24 to 48 hours, this condition may become chronic, particularly in the newly single, and in females aged 18 to 30.
Lauren: Where's Melissa?

Sophie: In bed. She's got a bad case of the Grog Horrors after she shit herself in the taxi on the way home last night.
by Sentotheko May 17, 2018
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After a long night of heavy drinking, you do a massive grog bog and once that stench hits you, you projectile vomit everywhere and somehow end up using that as lubricant for a violet flog.
Hey dude, guess what! I totally had a grog flog last night, I'm still picking out the chunks!
by genuinepoon December 5, 2014
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A loud, moderately unattractive woman who thinks she owns the bar because she's slept with a number of bouncers/bartenders. Named for creatures that frequent the Grog House in Gainesville, FL, but is applicable to any obnoxious drunk woman who you'd like to smack but you know would beat your civilized ass in a fight.
I went out looking for some strange, but the bar was full of nothing but Grog trolls. I'd rather masturbate with sand paper.
by mariangelalala November 13, 2011
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The smelly, wet shit you do after a big night boozing up.. especially after rum.
'man, i wouldnt go there, he just did a massive grog bog'
by tara February 22, 2004
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Bear brewed with female crotch yeast.
The crotch grog tasted slightly like the ocean.
by DarkRoses October 7, 2012
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Term created by FallenGuardian to ask the question of what Grogdan is doing at the current moment.
What's Grogging?

Dunno man why don't u fucking go and expectate?

Ah shit u rite
by Russssooo November 20, 2019
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