Using a public toilet with the incident of having the man's testicles hanging below the water line.
Jimmie: That hotel was horrible! I'm never going stopping there again.
John: What made it so bad?
Jimmie: The toilets were so shallow, I was dunking every time.
John: Good enough reason for me!

by OrinjNanu July 29, 2011
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To dunk is to jump in the air and stretch your shirt bottom out, landing over someones head so that they unsuspectingly land inside your shirt front. This is best done with hoodies and loose fitting tees.
Matt dunked me so hard the other day it hurt my neck.

What happened to Jay?

He got arrested for dunking midgets in Liberty Village.
by Dunkmaster86 March 25, 2011
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To be thoroughly humiliated or insulted to the point where you cannot return with a comeback. It is generally a far more severe case than a plain burn.
Eric was dunked by his friends for saying he enjoys ballet.
by Griffinfuhrer January 1, 2005
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the act of having one girl give you a handjob while anohter gives you a rimjob, because a dunk is a hand to the rim
"i met these two skanks at this frat last night. they were so freaky they gave me the dunk."
by green-seventeen October 29, 2006
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a person who gives head a lot, dick sucker, etc.
"I heard she topped him off!"
"She's such a dunke!"
by ijballin22 March 25, 2010
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A show of force displayed in an argument, in a manner that the argument appears nearly one-sided.
Someone who has been dunked on has been destroyed with words.
This oftentimes excessive act is performed with little consideration of the pride of the recipient, who appears incapable of properly defending themself.

This can take the form of public mockery, particularly online, in which a large number of people attempt to score devastating rhetorical points against an individual who has gone viral.

The performative bloodsport of dunking is particularly central to some online communities. For example, on Twitter dunking refers to a particularly savage quote-tweet response. This can spawn a dunk thread in which a large number of people attempt to dunk on the original tweet.
Ashley said something stupid online and people came out of the woodwork to dunk on her for weeks.

I haven't seen someone get dunked on so hard since Lebron let it loose against those middle schoolers.
by TakingPotatoBack May 3, 2020
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The point of being just past obviously drunk but not black out drunk yet.
I drank so much last night i was stumbling dunk
by Iamrage April 15, 2021
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