Duck Killer
Someone who does nothing but talk about hunting ducks and always has a stock of dead ducks in there freezer.
What you doing this weekend? Duck Hunting

Damn Dk in tha house.
by Burger King 2003 April 24, 2007
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1. Donkey Kong, a popular Nintendo video game series.
2. Dead Kennedys, hardcore punk band of the 1980's.
1. I played DK last night on my NES.
2. I saw DK play back in '82.
by Jack Grisham November 4, 2007
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You will obey, respect and live by the DK.
by Anonymous December 23, 2002
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Supreme, all knowing. The best. God, or God-like.
Yeah, you're alright..but you're not like the DK.
by Anonymous January 6, 2003
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1. any latino wanna-be professional salsa dancer who wears gay imported clothes and enjoys watching midget porno
2. ass stormtrooper; or bumjuicer
3. homo who calls himself metrosexual, but in fact enjoys giving dome pizzle to men.
I just skeeted on my boyfriend's bum like wanna-be professional salsa dancer DK
by CM June 11, 2004
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Hey bro , wanna dks
Me and Sam dksed the other night
by JENJENYAH January 21, 2018
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