*Someone with the name Darwin
*A Dominicain who is named Darwin
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the act of spitting smokeless tobacco dip while also shitting on the toilet simultaneously.
I didn't finish my dip yet, so I was just dipshitting at that time.
by Outlawdipper August 5, 2009
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some one that is a dip shit best when used in the phrase in dipshitical moron... something i made up, to be used when some one is pissing you off and you cant think of any thing else to say, but you want to use something original.. so here you are...
leave me the fuk alone you immature dipshitical moron!!
by ms.deziemay February 11, 2010
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(noun) One who is lacking in mental capability to understand life's simplest things, such as completing a simple task given or simply opening a jar of mayonnaise without assistance.
1) "Wow, you drank that entire gallon of lethal fluids? You're such a dipshit!"

2) Anyone with lower than a 12th Grade education is often a dipshit or does dipshit type things.

3) Every Will Ferrell Movie involves his character being a dipshit.

4) "Wow, did you just run into a door? You're such a dipshit!"
by President of JMV Mom Fan Club December 1, 2013
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