I was in Valdez for work, and the salmon crunchers were everywhere!
by Snarkopotomous July 3, 2015
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when a chick has a crispy pussy and the guy peels the dry skin off with his teeth proceeding to crunch on it while fingering her.
"man that bitch had a crispy pussy"

"man ur a dry mouthed, chipped toothed cunt cruncher!"
by --=Ro()0=-- July 13, 2008
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Tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, high-in-fibre, low-in-fat, vegetarian communists.

The sort of people who hate the same government and military that is the only reason they're not speaking German or Russian right now. While the fact that they're not actively repressed is an important sign that free speech is still very much alive and well, it doesn't make them any less annoying.
Granola Cruncher: OMG like fair trade, stop the war, globalization is bad and stuff, I hate Bush because Vegan Times said he's mean, wow birkenstocks are cool.
by EchoZulu August 14, 2008
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When a woman's vaginal muscles are so powerful, that after a man has finished inside her, his penis head, when removed has turned purple.
Damn, that dirty bitch I met down the docks has one crazy snapper. What a cock cruncher!
by Jimbo Magee September 15, 2007
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Somebody who takes great delight in consuming ecstasy - which is sometimes shortened to "Eccy". Eccy Crunchers can usually be seen wandering around nightclubs with dilated pupils and eyes wide open. It is unlikely that an Eccy Cruncher would make in intellectual conversation
"See those boys over there? They're all eccy crunchers"
by arms86 March 7, 2010
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another word for complete idiot or jackass. also a stoner who would rather sit at home alone home all day and do drugs than do something more meaningful with their life like go to school or hang out with some friends. or someone who has really bad teeth an looks like they have been crunching on rocks.
example 1:
dylan was being a total rock cruncher today. he wouldnt share any of his weed with me.

example 2:
miss macklin:dylan

b-square-dylan decided to be a rock cruncher today thats why he never showed up for school, miss macklin.

example 3:
i seen a rock cruncher in walmart the other day, his teeth looked like they were going to fall right out of his mouth while he was checking me out.
by bleh bleh bleh bleh August 4, 2008
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