1. the ultimate source of awkwardness
2. an unspoken agreement
ex 1:
Steve: Oh dude I was just staring at that girl while zoning out.
Joe: Good thing you broke eye contact with her or she'd think you were a creep!

ex 2:
When the teacher announced that we were going to work in partners, me and Julie instantly made eye contact and nodded.
by onaboatmotherfucker April 5, 2010
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Eyes are the windows through which we can peep into each other's souls. Those pupils are like the oceans but be careful you can dive in them and also sometimes suffocate and die in them.
Making eye contact is that process and the by-products may be
1. Butterflies
2. Blush
3. Happiness
4. Weird feeling
5. Anxiety

6. Goosebumps
7. Arousal
8. (In the worst case) kids
Making eye contact incessantly can make you fall in love in the most unexpected situations 🤍✨
by Devilish ✨ July 20, 2022
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When you have cried too much the night before and you’re eyes are so dry that it hurts to put contact lenses in.
I’m feeling really sad, probably gonna go home and cry. Tomorrow’s a, “no contact day,” I see.
by PE GANG February 4, 2020
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when another's paranoia becomes airborne and surrounding persons catch it.
Hey man, i think thats a cop. -naa, well.. wait. maybe? shit yea that is a cop!!! either that or i got contact paranoia.
by JoJo7688 September 16, 2009
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Rubbin ice where it feels nice
"I gave my uncle a cold contact when he was sick"

"I got cold contacted by my priest after Sunday school"
by AssAnalyzer67 April 11, 2019
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A flatulence game played by the army which is in essence the same as the safety game.
*Soldier Farts*
Aww, now I can't hit you by the rules of the Contact Game!
by MarineCorps November 25, 2010
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When you're out and a bunch of people are getting fucked up on cocaine and you get the sniffles just from being around them.
"Man, there must have been a bunch of people ripped on coke in there, I got the goddamn contact sniffles."
by Jman231 December 23, 2009
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