Name of the Thousand Oaks High School Ultimate Frisbee team who has become an annual contender for the California High School Ultimate Championship. Known as the Cake Eaters since their first jersey had a picture of Bert and Ernie eating cake on it.
That guy on the Cake Eaters has a great flick!
by Dan the Boy November 9, 2007
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A person usually a women who is obese or fat and looks as though she/he eats more then a fare share of cake.
by Randy Rapp May 6, 2008
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1. A gay guy
2. Refers to the people who beheaded Queen Antionette (when she was about to be beheaded, rose her head and said "Let them eat cake")
3. random insult, like queer, idiot, or freak
1. Stop looking at those guys, you cake eater! You are supposed to like girls!

2. Those cake eaters beheaded the queen!

3. shut up you cake eater!
by ashley xx April 18, 2006
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A citizen whose family starves due to his federal tax bill under a liberal democrat tax and spend pork barrel government.
Ted Kennedy: "The constituents have no bread? Let them eat cake! Let me say this about that to those cake-eaters: I will have the Big Dig!"
by Abbum Habbumfrab May 16, 2004
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Circa 1998, a group of post Ohio University grads were throwing a wine and cheese party while their drunken and high roommates looked on from the patio below. A party goer proceeded to scream " Do you guys want cake?", and our response was f-u, bunch of "cake-eaters"! By definition, this is person whom enjoys finer things, and acts like they can afford it:)
If you are slumming it at a tailgate, and see a a guy/girl eating wine and cheese, he/she is a cake-eater.
by Schwenis October 24, 2009
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a big douche. Synonymous with platters of food. Usually 6'3 colorblind males with large egos who wear jays. And thinks they're sweet. More times than not it refers to lazy, retarded roommates who sit around eating cake. All day.
"My roommate is such a f*cking cake eater."
by Neil Platt February 8, 2010
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A rich guy who enjoys anal intercourse with poor black men.
I saw Stephen hanging out with ex-convict Tyrone last night. I knew that fag was a cake eater.
by Ian Bizzy December 22, 2003
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