Exclamation of supportive comaradary by the U.S. Marine Corps: It comes from the word bouillon, which is a broth made from the cooking of chicken bones (opponents).
James Blake just beat Raphael Nadal in the 2005 U.S. Open,

by KMM September 3, 2005
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to exclame the feeling that cannot otherwised be put into words. This word is used often to emphasis one's successful action and accompishment.
Hitting the front cup in a beruit game
by froe January 11, 2004
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An exclamatory statement expressing excitement, not invented by, but propogated enthusiastically by geeky engineers and RC Racing enthusiasts.
"Boo-yah, I get to go to the track tonight", Chris said while wearing his new pink pants.
by DJM June 28, 2003
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The Booyah Tribe is a Samoan gangsta rap band. They also refer to a "booya" as the noise made by a shotgun when it is fired.
o' sole, booyah tribe get one show tomorrow nite. ufa!
by Unga March 7, 2006
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boo*yah <boo ya> n.v.adj. (1) when there is no other word to express yourself (2) universal term describing something as da bomb, phat, dope, ill (3) meaning determined based on context and delivery of sentence.
by spanky October 9, 2003
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Booyah is a modern day version of an 18th century mid-west lightening rod that is traditionally placed on the peaks of structures such as a house or barn.
The difference between 18th century lightening rods and the modern day BOOYAH is that the old lightning rods have one glass ball. BOOYAHS have one to three translucent glass balls of different colors. Depending on the colors selected, a BOOYAH brings to the house and its inhabitants different positive energy sources such as courage, energy, peace and harmony.
"You can spot my house easily it has a amber and blue BOOYAH!" Or - "I am so happy we have a BOOYAH!"
by John Mallett September 16, 2005
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1) (n) Totally dope, incredibly fine. Probably orignated from the "Boo-yaa Tribe". That shit was straight-up boo-yaa" -- ??.
2) (n) Impression of the sound of a shotgun, also "boo-yaaka". "Shotgun goes boo-ya" -- Cypress Hill (Hand on the pump 1993).
3) (n) Marijuana, probably derived from Buddha.
4) (n) Crack, probably related from the fact that smoking crack is sort of equivalent to putting a shotgun to your head and pulling the trigger.
You: Man, Rick that chick's booty was fine as hell!

Me: Yeah, well I tapped that shit last night...

Both (Together): BOOYAH!!!
by THE Rick September 23, 2005
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