fat hamo guys that can rap..reppin it for da hamos out there yei yei !
bro; booyas album is off da hook !! cheee hooooo my nizzle
sole; yei yei
by shush` April 16, 2005
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Better than booyah.
Stressed version: "Booya went right throughya!"
"Booyah? Naw, dude... Booya!"

Person 1: "Booya!"
Person 2: "Oh yeah? Well, Booya went right throughya!"
Person 1: "...Oh."
by Jeffrey August 28, 2003
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An extremely powerful shockwave caused by the chaining of several sonic booyas. Often used for destroying buildings, mountains and small marmots.
Wow, I bet that marmot never saw the atomic booya coming.
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what Dave Simon's stupid, Value City football jersey says.
Why the fuck is Dave wearing a football jersey that says "booya steez" on the back. That's pathetic.
by Fusy Baby December 12, 2004
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A variation on the now quaint "booya!" meaning "all right!" "hell yeah!" or "sweet!"
"I took that slammin' hottie home last night, brah."
"Booya-kasha, dude."
by fallandmiss February 24, 2007
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An immensely powerful shockwave with an awesome destructive capability. Created when an object breaks the speed of 'bo.
Woah! Did you feel that sonic booya! That plane must have broken the speed of bo!
by Dynamic Acronym Agent July 28, 2003
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Means the explosion of a liquid coming out of something. Most referred to ejaculation but can be referred to a paintball gun or watergun!
"Oh shizz! I got Booya Cream all over your face!"
by Lathia October 15, 2009
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