Slang term for erection. The penis gets filled with blood and gets hard. aka a hard on, chub, and of course boner.
Dude, last night Brittney didn't even take off her clothes and I got a boner.
by P-Boo February 16, 2011
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an inconvenient slip of the tongue (usually when you accidentally say something perverted)
Mary - "I was trying to tell him that I really appreciate his hard work, but what came out was that I really appreciate his hard wood."

Beth - "Bitch, you pulled a real bonerism on that shit."
by Dr. Todd Fuquad PhD February 4, 2006
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a male's attempt to arouse a female by rubbing his throbbing erection against her body. Normally occurs during dry sex with a female who is a total prude
Danimal: "Dude, I totally bonerized your cousion last night."

Jeremy: "Is this before or after you took a shit in the urinal?"

Danimal: "It was after the Danimal doo dooed in the Margarita Ranch pisser."

Jeremy: "Hey Cade, lets go take pictures of your balls on Drew's face when he's passed out."

Danimal: "I'm going to bonerize Padgett next. Those hooker boots make my loins tingle."
by Danimal F. May 9, 2008
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“And that is a boner on my part, when I was your age, I made some huge boners. Boners that i wish i could get back now.”

“I don’t think he knows what boner means.”
by MeAndTheBoysDrinkingBEANS December 21, 2021
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the greatest thing a woman/girl would want to see from her crush.
A Dude from a club: that slut got me a boner!
by The Dirtyminedfangirl! April 22, 2019
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An Austronesian language from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi with approximately 10,000 native speakers.
I'm gonna bonerate your mom in the armpit til she dies of from a mixture of blood loss and sexual pleasure.
by trollbog January 9, 2012
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