Simply means Anal sex. It is derived from the fact that Spartan men were forced to bond using anal sex and anal sex is often used as a birth control in modern society.
"Dude, you gunna need a condom tonight?"
"Nah, I'm just gunna stick to good old Spartan birth control."
by kevin03246 November 19, 2008
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A woman usually ugly who blocks you from taking her better looking friend home.
Here come Melissa and damn Jenny that fat bitch is the biggest Birth Control Friend (BCF) ever!
by DinoFauci January 8, 2011
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When one finds himself without a condom or has run out, it is the act of anal sex. As anyone who has watched a lot of Euro porn can tell you, anal is as common in Europe as the high-five. And, we do thank-you for that.
"Look at the ass on that babe; I'm hoping for a little European birth control tonight."
by EuroBC November 6, 2013
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A form of birth control usually consisting of anything bought at walmart. (Duct tape, clothespins, pvc pipe, ziploc bags, etc.)
Hey i went to walmart and got some redneck birth control from the craft section
by Skammmmm August 27, 2015
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you're shitty personality or looks prevent you from getting girls or prevents women wanting to get with you/ have children with you.
did you hear that billy is a trump supporter?
not surprised, he's like male birth control.
by haileyy.k March 8, 2021
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On social networking sites, oftentimes individuals – especially college-aged Americans – tag their acquaintances in pictures that render the victim completely unappealing to the opposite sex, so there is virtually no danger of impregnating another or becoming impregnated. Usually such photos involve individuals making strange faces, posturing themselves oddly, or exhibiting behaviors that compromise their individual dignity. Often such images involve the use or overuse of controlled substances, or behaving in such a manner that puts their sexuality into question. Posted by third-parties who may have taken the photo and “tagged” the individual in an awkward situation or pose, the Birth Control Tag (BCT) is one of the most effective methods to damage one's online reputation.
My friend Rob tagged Jason posturing himself in a suggestive manner against a statue of George Washington with his pants down. That's a BCT if I've ever heard of one.

Did you see that Birth Control Tag of Elena? Man, I've never seen someone so fall down drunk with food all over her clothes.

Did you see that picture of those two frat brothers kissing during pledge week? Dude, no chick is going to go out with them once they get Birth Control Tagged on facebook.
by impotate April 20, 2011
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