Ashlynn is a girls name of course but her personality will be terrible she'll be a total bitch who'll back stab you in the fucking back and never say sorry. She'll also blame everything on you.

never make friends with a girl named Ashlynn.
Girl 1: "Hey Ash what's up?"
Ashlynn: "Bitch don't talk to me unless you're up in my level."

Girl 2: 'Hey Ash please stop spreading rumors that i "sexually" harassed you when you know damn well it's not true"
Ashlynn: "Bitch shut the fuck up i can do whatever i want and i know you didnt but i just want you to look like the bad person"
by Raven quinn May 25, 2017
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A complete Bitch. She leads on a large range of guys and snitches on party's she wasn't invited to. Basically she's an all around cunt.
Did you hear about Ashlynn?

about how she called the cops on that New Years party?

Yeah, she's a cunt
by Bigdickniggac=3 April 4, 2016
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a dumbass whore who gets no dick because she’s lesbian
oh look it’s Ashlynn

ew she’s a fat ass bitch
by cheaskf February 12, 2020
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A literal nightmare. Born from darkness this ugly pain in the butt pushes its next victim. With brown frizzy hair and moles like witches this human learches the earth
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Ashlynn is a generic white girl that has taken too many drugs and now thinks the world revolves around Adidas and Starbucks. If you see her while she is high, run until you see an Asian instead named Aretta (Thunderthigh29's ex). Ashlynn is also the Queen of Albino AKA Whiteness. She is a monster and will devour all your Adidas and snatch your Starbucks. After a long day of suffering Ashlynn proceeds to listen to Beyonce and scream her lungs out. Please, never have a sleepover with her or she will snatch your weave. She will also perform cults to your body and will summon you as a goat for the work of the "Sassy Jellybeans."
Darn it, Ashlynn ate my Adidas again!
by Arinterstellar January 14, 2018
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Hot, short, sexy. Has a muscular boyfriend. Beautiful brown and blonde hair with blue eyes. Outgoing and not afraid to be herself. But isn't treated the way she deserves.
Who's dat hottie? Must be an Ashlynne.
by Claytn_107 March 12, 2018
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Ashlynne is a whore, she will suck anyone’s dick. Even though she’s not very good.
Girl 1: Did you hear about Ashlynne sucking all those boys dicks?
Girl 2: Yea! Apparently she can’t do it right. They gave her bad reviews.
by SlagNation April 16, 2019
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