Roshni to amit -" papa I love you "
by sexyboy69rishi November 23, 2021
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A nickname for people who did terrible things to humanity. One of the best example is the uchiha clan massacre, when Amit killed his whole clan without any mercy. Amit is the kind of person who is accoused with serveral killing and raping charges. They are very dangerous man and they need to be locked up immediately.
Boy 1#: Ayo have u heard what happend last night?
Boy 2#: I didn't what happend?
Boy #1: this luntaic fucking killed woman's for his sick cult sacrifices
Boy 2#: I knew this whole time he is such a Amit person
by UchihaHanzo November 21, 2021
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Smartest among all of the people

One life
by November 23, 2021
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person 1 - i beat women
person 2 - man u r an amit
by official_weeb February 25, 2022
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by November 24, 2021
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A guys name… a lovable guys name! Probably the best person you’ll ever meet. A caring and delicate man. Love him, and he’ll love you 10x more back like you’re the only thing left in the world! Hate him, and watch him disappear forever from your life. You don’t want that, and you don’t want him as an enemy, trust me!

A diligent and hardworking man, tries to be the best in everything possible, probably is already rich or will be soon! Very giving and charitable, he will work his ass off just to provide for someone or to just make them happy!

Funniest person you will ever meet! If you ever feel sad or tired, just talk to him or see him! He will definitely put aside all his worries aside just to make you smile and give you a good time.

Killer dick/sex game too tho!
Girl 1: Are you going to marry Amit Sharma
Girl 2: I want to but I can’t, I already have a boyfriend… sad
by Names already taken November 24, 2021
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