by November 24, 2021
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Amira is such a beautiful person and the most amazing person you would ever meet. She thinks she can be mean but it’s always cute. She is a really understanding and doesn’t like you for looks but the way you are. She can be clumsy but it’s the cutest thing. A lot of guys want her but she is loyal to one person. She’s big on not cheating, and respect. When she smiles everybody lights up and she’s a vibe. She playful and cute she can be stubborn but she always manages to pull through. A person who seems being better everyday.
Amira is such a vibe, when I’m with her time stops.
by M@rin3 November 23, 2021
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She’s so fucking gorgeous, her smile is the most beautiful smile I’ve seen on any girl, her confidence is woah and she is smart bad ass bitch you can never outsmart her. She values her bitches and she sexy.
Make sure you impress the princess Amira

Bitches wanna be like Amira
by Bee-Bitch November 23, 2021
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Amira is the craziest girl you will ever meet. She is funny, caring and sweet. She always likes to take care of others before she takes care of herself. She likes to make people happy and people enjoy hanging out with her. She is very quiet and soft-spoken. She is very good with kids, she makes them enjoy themselves but she is also strict. When there are people in her life that she enjoys hanging out with, she will never let anything bad happen to them. She will always care about them no matter what.
by bruhimprivate April 1, 2020
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verb. ex. to pull an amira;

the act of making common small talk with bitter undertones when people have an issue and they are actually mad but don't want to show it.

Person A: whats wrong I don't understand what I did?

Person B: nothing,I'm not mad, I'm tired, I gotta go

Person A: seriously, I'm really sorry eventhough I still have no clue what I did why are you angry.

Person B: ok, g2g bye.

Person: whatever, you are pulling an amira, peace.
by dak191818 November 26, 2007
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• Amira is the person you should feel comfortable around, Amira is very weird and sometimes can be very shy, she also likes drawing
• Amira in Arabic means princess, but she is not always such a "princess"
• Also very sensitive but will not cry out loud
Amira thinks bad about herself and will do anything to make anyone happy
by I_am_not_here... June 15, 2020
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