A nickname for someone who pimps alot.

a pimp with a large variety of hoes with him
Speaker A: "Jermey can be such a pimp right? look at him with all his hoes."

Speaker B: "he's more like a Sir Pimps alot if you ask me. i can never find him when i need him."
by Yesnik Drappehs May 16, 2008
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That jerk at work who, no matter how good they have it, will still find something to bitch about.

The kind of person that would complain about a free lunch.

Someone who wants a paycheck, but dont want to work for it.
Dude, if you were to be knighted, you'd be "Sir Whines Alot."
by Ken Gman March 5, 2008
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Something You Say to A Friend Who's About to do something REALLY REALLY Stupid and Could Hurt Them BADLY
Dude 1:Yo Bro I'm Bout to Jump the Grand Canyon On a Bicycle
You:Dude...This is Gonna Hurt.....ALOT
by Kuma-Kun July 11, 2008
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When something is really cool, tight, bombastic, aesthetically pleasing, etc.
"So how was that metal show last night?"



Slayer concert.

Last night.


by Mark H August 30, 2004
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A nicer way of calling a guy an asshole.
"I swear, the guy that sits behind me should be renamed to Sir Ass Alot!"
by Astrakhan April 6, 2003
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Samii, have you seen Sir Cums Alot latly, he misses you.
by SamiiiiamS August 12, 2008
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During the month of November you are are allowed to have sex with anyone who is the age of consent with their consent.
Bro u ready for Sex-Alot-November?

Yea Bro!
by BigDickDude56 October 2, 2019
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