(noun) slang used in Vancouver (CA) circa 2004 used to describe a person that is a total jerk. one whom is unkind and disrespectful. a wayne is an individual that will gladly ruin your day.
"dude! you're such a Wayne!"

"i told you that guy's a Wayne"

(in a frustrated voice) "frikking wayne!"
by btarded January 6, 2009
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'Why does this song suck so bad?' - girl
'Cause Wayne's here.'
by maxiney January 16, 2008
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The typical name for a chav pikey townie ned kev. Usually has a girlfriend called Sharron, lives on a council estate and drives either a Ford Escort or a Vauxhall Nova.
Barry: Hey Wayne, let's go cruising round town in our shitty car and shout at young skanky girls.
Wayne: Yeah nice one Barry, we're fucking ace!
Random Passer By: What a complete pair of chavs!
by Jim July 19, 2004
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A scrawny, nerdy, caucasin male; obsessed with video games; wears computer humor shirts and shirts from the 80's to try and be cool and act ghetto. Also drives a 240sx, because he thinks it's cool and everyone else is doing it. Proceed with caution: shoot at first sight.
Boy: Hey, wanna com over and play video games?
Girl: Umm.. no thanks.
Other Boy: You're such a flip'n wayne. GOSH!
by not wayne January 6, 2005
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a narcotic relativly known as cocaine,
can also be called "Wayne"
let's go hit up our boi and get sum wayne.
by Country Wayne January 5, 2009
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One who's father has abandoned him/her, or one who doesn't have a father. Also a word to describe a person who is a tryhard at something.
"Chalen is such a Wayne, he literally never stops playing Fortnite."
"Yo Justin, where's your dad you Wayne."
by No Cap Yurd March 26, 2019
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A Chinese individual that somehow doesn't eat dogs, and is also a descendant of Bruce Wayne. He is also part of the Yakuza and a womanizer on top of that. Wayne is also a drunkard too.
When there's booze, there's a Wayne
by ChingaChingus May 1, 2023
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