Noun. The act of falling astray from your seat and onto the floor.
Yo I saw that girl over there pull a Camille. You missed it. We all saw it.
by asdfghjkl989898969 September 15, 2010
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Someone who is obsessed with there phone and Snapchat that needs to be stoped.
by Boi2456 March 17, 2018
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The coolest freckeld asian in the world.
Dam! I want a Camile, Now!
by Brian McCoolenburg November 22, 2009
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a small dominatrix woman who enjoys sex and always rides on top
Don't date her, I heard she's a camille.
by LottieCia December 20, 2007
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dominatrix sexual position. male stands up while holding up female, going down on her, while female gives head to male. (whips are optional) as is anal.
" Honey i feel like doing a camille tonight!"
by ReneeNay January 8, 2006
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A Camille has dirty blonde blue eyed girl who loves to do everything from horseback riding to dance. Shes a smiler hard to find a time where shes not grinning or making someone grin. She loves to shop and be with her friends. When with friend there typically looking for boys, there a real laugh riot. Shes a sensitive person and great to come to help for she can make you laugh on anyday.

if your a boy look out she only goes for hockey players/ gingers. so dont get your heart broken
Camilles long blonde hair flowed through the wind of her opening the door to the hockey arena where she was to go watch someboys with friends.
by shemakesmehappy April 10, 2010
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