When you blow your juicy load over your partners chest and then proceed to smear the baby gravy across the chest until it resembles a t-shirt or a "top".
Dude I totally gave your mum a yoghurt top last night, it was great. I made her lick it off my hands afterwards.
by kyle hudson small April 18, 2018
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A delicious snack to have on a Tuesday
You can eat it hands free or with a spoon
Hmmm yes, I’ll have a cum yoghurt for my lunch today
by Willy on a Tuesday February 13, 2020
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a female that eats yoghurt on a daily basis , shes the queen of all women and shes taken by all the yoghurt men in the world. Shes loyal to all her males and is breed-able and submissive
damn.. that yoghurt female has a scrumptious ass
by @yoghurt.male February 10, 2022
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An emo yoghurt is what one eats when one is rather depressed and caked with lashings of eyeliner. Dramatic pauses are very common when eating this particular species of yoghurt.
"Oh man, I've had such a bad day. I'll go see if there's any emo yoghurts in the fridge..."
by Rachael loves Brian Cox. December 2, 2011
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I can see Jay is off somewhere shaking the yoghurt as usual then.
by Not Bob at all March 10, 2018
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Sam really puts out a lot of Boner Yoghurt, doesn't he?
by Boner Yogurt June 28, 2015
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A yoghurt face is a term for somebody with a soft face. A soft face can be defined as someone with either soft facial features, or (more insultingly) not much about them.

This term can also be seen as a sister insult to yoghurt top meaning someone who is soft in the head.

This insult is commonly used amongst silly oIrish boys with crappy hats :)
Deglan: You have soft facial features... you know what else is soft? Yoghurt.
Sarah: So you're calling me a yoghurt face?
Deglan: Well I am oIrish
Sarah: Fair nuff :)
by Sarah O'Rourke August 11, 2007
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