A tooth that certainly lacks wisdom, these useless bones contribute no good to your mouth and must eventually be taken out, resulting in unbearable pain for a couple of days.
This wisdom tooth is proof that God does not love the human mouth.
by ThatsBriskBaby September 3, 2005
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Concerning the human foot, A Wisdom Toe is another name for the long toe when it is longer than the big toe. Urban legend suggests wisdom toes are a sign of wisdom.
I looked at my boyfriend's feet, and saw that his second toes were longer than the rest. He called them "Wisdom Toes". I think it has something to do with his artistic brain.
by MiscFur April 13, 2014
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Wisdom teeth are stupid and they never do what you want them to without putting you through agonies of pain
by rooneyt October 8, 2011
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Facebook Wisdom (n.): Used to describe the dumbass shit people say on Facebook, Twitter, tumblr or other online social networks to make themselves seem clever, profound, or wise.
Jane likes 'Sweetie, If You're Going To Be Two Faced, At Least Make One Of Them Pretty =)' on ♥" "That's Facebook wisdom we could all live by, if it weren't so contrived.
by Frederich J. P. Freely August 23, 2010
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Insightful information (or thoughtful little life lessons) that a person attempts to convey to another person about a particular subject.
Look up the term "Loxi" for examples of pearls of wisdom.
by Loxi July 21, 2009
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A way for dentists to make a shit load of money within a few minuits. O and as an added bonus it hurts like fuck!!! but kinda fun when you first wake up.... cuz your stoned!!!
Dentis: ok now count back from 100...

you: 99...98.... sleep......

Dentis: O.K. boys lets get out the power tools this ones gonna be good.

miniuts later... Wisdom teeth removed.

you: What happened and how the fuck did I get my shoes on???
by The crazy Italian April 16, 2010
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The act of defecating so hard and fast you come to understand everything about life.
"Dude, I had a mad wisdom poo last night."
by Unicornpoo22 May 25, 2016
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