German guy who pretends to be asian but looks german and is rly short and has arms and legs that resemble twigs. Often mistaken for a girl.
"look at that hot girl over there"
"no thats Ricky Wilhelm Schulz hes a dood"
by ___o_o___ March 3, 2017
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leaving for a couple of weeks and then coming back and acting all gangsta
"ima go wilhelm it and leave for a few weeks,be back tho" "oh hes just wilhelming it
by uncle mustafa September 16, 2019
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A handsome boy who often typed or pronounced CW.

Carl Wilhelm is a smart boy that often is a genie in math. He hates school but is really good to get good grades.

He likes to play computer games and loves to play with friends online.
Person 1: Have you seen that CW?
Person 2: Yes I've heard he is a real maniac in school.
Person 1: What?! Ive heard he is really good in these video games.
Person 2: Yea he is good at everything that Carl Wilhelm!
by 4FX April 10, 2018
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To light a bowl with the cherry of a blunt that you just roached.
Hey, this blunt is almost roached.. Do The Wilhelm on that bowl.
by Bigcatt August 22, 2015
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