The loose skin on the elbow and you wiggle it for sexual satisfaction... For females.
Paris Hilton makes me horny so now I'm master-batting by wiggling my wenis.
by Wenis Luvers July 18, 2010
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No not he part of your elbow, a wenis is slang for a woman penis and is used for when one gender is acting like the opposite, e.g. a girl acting like a boy or a guy acting girlie
Boy 1- “Bro your wenis do be small though”
Boy 2- “Hahahahaha stop spitting cap”
by Bigboyjack69 May 25, 2020
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Person 1: I am going to touch your wenis!
Person 2: That's not appropriate!

Person 1: No, it is appropriate. The wenis is just the foreskin of the elbow.

Person 2: Oh, okay...
by KayMarie333 October 16, 2019
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A person whose sex cannot be distinguished through a visual examination.
That is one ugly guy... holy shit is that a girl, screw it i guess its just another wenis wandering the streets.
by Zach Lancaster September 1, 2003
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1.A curse word.
2.Something to yell when you are excited
3.A penis
1."Son of a wenis I hate you, you stupid wenis"
3."That guy, has a mighty fine wenis"
4."Haha rochelle has a wenis face!Look at her face! Its a wenis!"
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One who is annoying
One who cheats
One who rips movie tickets
One who changes your phone language to spanish
Jeff you are acting like such a wenis
by nglettire April 4, 2008
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