Full of tramps, skets and slags. Even that bad Blake Fisher has to leave for Brownhills and thats a shithole in itself. That bad even Troy Burrows got kicked out of there
Your a tramp going Shire Oak
by YourLocalScutter December 12, 2019
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a name given to those who choose not to live by any rules but their own.
- did you hear about those guys at the weekend?
- no, what guys?
- 5 guys pillaged a small village and raped every man, woman and jailbait child within it.
- oh the shire boys, yeah i heard about that.
by oomzee October 16, 2009
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When several small men suck dick in an open field.
Sean Murphy and his CIT friends pulled a Hobbits in the Shire one night at Camp Sequassen.
by Tobey March 19, 2004
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A guy who is known for successfully hooking up with multitude of very short girls
friend 1: Did you see David bring that 5' 1'' home last night?

friend 2: Ya dude, he is definitely the King of the Shire
by Gandy Wandalf August 30, 2017
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The baddest neighborhood chesterfield county has to offer. Also the neighborhood everyone wants to live in. It is also called the Compton of Virginia. Or Beverly Hills of Chesterfield.
Those Shire kids really know how to live.
by Marshall Pick March 23, 2005
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Despite the significant population of the Sutherland Shire, many people are obviously quite misinformed and/or ignorant regarding the thousands of people who call the shire home, generalising the entire population of the Sutherland Shire into one narrow category which best fits their distorted views, branding residents as sheltered, ignorant, idiotic and racist. Those who decide to take a narrow, generalised, ignorant view of Sutherland Shire residents as being, ironically, narrow-minded and ignorant, are simply being hypocrites.
One common incorrect claim is of the Sutherland Shire as being ruled by racist attitudes. Many simply state this following reports of the Cronulla riots, whereby a very small portion of racially motivated (predominantly) young men took to racially motivated violence. Though it should be noted that such assaults came from both sides, such violence is inexcusable. However, one can not determine that they know all there is to know about a population from media reports on one incident. Such ignorance would be akin to deciding from reports of Melbourne’s Indian student bashings that that entire locality must be full of racists, certainly flawed logic.
To those who continue to ridicule the Sutherland Shire and its residents, feel free to perhaps get to know the locality and population you seem to despise before making incorrect allegations and cruel remarks.
If all you have to say is negative and derogatory, then say nothing at all.
by :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P November 9, 2009
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Subhuman life forms that dwell in The Shire.

Can usually be found wearing a wife basher, smelling like shit, speaking in an incoherent drawl, waiting in dole queues, swearing at their flock of bastard children, and yelling straya and passers by.
John: I was bitten by some dirty Shire Rats last night.
Jane: You should get tested!

John: Look, some Shire Rat is beating his wife on his front lawn.
Jane: Fucking filth. They are an embarassment to this country.
by therestofaustraliahatesyou October 15, 2009
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