Country in the United Kingdom with a top-class education system. Famous for it's rich history, deep fried mars bar high levels of accepted racism not found in more sourtherly places in the UK
English kid: I couldn't get into the university of Edinburgh, Damn, Scotland and their high standard of education!
by Etta Love September 12, 2006
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Scotland is famous for:

- Drunks and alcoholics; leading to one of the highest rates of domestic violence between husbands and wives in Europe.

- Bigotry: Most Scottish people still think it's totally acceptable to hate the English with such venom and spite, it's practically encouraged to air those views and feelings in public.

- Grown men wearing skirts. A true Scotsman is said to be one who wears a kilt (skirt) without underwear - and this is usually proven once they're drunk and think nothing of exposing their 'meat and two veg' to other men, women and even children. But this crude act isn't a "sexual crime"; its seen as "just for laughs". True Scotsmen also think nothing of urinating in public especially when drunk regardless of where they are. Most don't even 'lift their skirts' hence their urine-stained boots.

- Hogmanay (New Year's Eve to you and me): While the rest of the world are celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another, it's the one night of the year where all of Scotland gets blind drunk.

- Patriotism. Even if most haven't been north of Glasgow or Edinburgh (both of which are closer to England than the most northern part of Scotland)
"Is it true that, to visit Scotland, you need to turn your watch back 200 years?"
by motownredux October 16, 2011
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Scotland is the most northerly nation of the United Kingdom. It's native name is Alba. The national languages are English, Scots and Scottish Gaelic. They are a Celtic nation. The famous Tartan Army come from here and hate the SOUTHERNERS (England).
Scotland is better than England.
by Clyde1998 June 6, 2010
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A bitter little country, thoroughly upset that it plays no significant part in world affairs. Its native population enjoys being so anti-English that it gets boring to listen to after about 5 minutes. A nation so great that many Scots find it necessary to leave their homeland and settle down elsewhere...

Shame about the inhabitants really because the countryside is stunning! Glen Coe is a particular favourite spot of mine.
Josh: Can you name me a country that lives in the past

Bill: I believe Scotland is one
by much_too_much March 6, 2010
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Where Ewan McGregor comes from!
You: "Where do Ewan McGregor come from?"
Me: "Scotland"
by Fgsfgd March 23, 2011
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A odd little country, north of England and part of the UK and Great Britain whether they like it or not. Painfully patriotic, but actually very nice people. Lovely scenery and all that jazz. Some of the population like to show themselves up by claiming they hate the English. Don't be silly. We don't hate you, so why this in return?
They have a tendency to cling onto happenings which are probably around 500 years old and never stop going on about how much heritage they have. They will get rowdy when drunk, and some of the girls do have quite strange (read: gruff as 'owt) voices, but they are NOT all ginger, do NOT all live in castles, are NOT permanently drunk (although questionable), and they do NOT parade around in kilts (although all Scottish men should, because they're sexy).

Scotland's lovely, go visit. But it is a little cold.
"well, actually.."

"Patriotic bastard."

by squibblezzz June 17, 2008
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