A Republican President of the United States that really no worse, or no better, than most of the presidents that the American people have elected. Not very articulate but speaks his mind even though it is not popular. He truly belives in his vision of a better America (whether others believe the same way or not.) Opponents do not just disagree with him; they hate him with an unnatual passion that borders on obsessive. Ever hear the comparison of George Bush and Hitler... please. If George Bush were actually like Hitler, the person making the comparison would get a knock on the door in the middle of the night and never be seen again. All these people whose comments proceed mine would be tracked down and shot. Are you worried? Probably not. Disagree with him; fine. There is a lot to disagree about; but the people making these personal attacks about how stupid, ugly, inarticulate, ignorant... really show lack of mental ability to create a substantative argument. Just like the child who is loosing and argument, has nothing really left to save, but in an attempt to win says "You're just an idiot" Just a sad, last ditch attemp to win a loosing argument.
Several United Nations resolutions where being broken by Saddam Hussain, including almost daily firing at US and UK planes in the "no fly zone" of Iraq. All Saddam had to do was make an accounting of the distruction of his WMD program and we would not have invaded. Why did he not give an accounting as to how and when he got rid of them. He would not live up to his obligation to account for how they where distroyed so we assumed he still had them. Large leap? Or logic? Your counter argument...

Bush lied, people died. He's stupid. He's a moron. George Bush is worse that Hitler.

Wow! Real good. Public school, right?
by tryingtobelogical June 3, 2007
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The best president out there. He's like the prodigy child of JFK, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and George Washington. George Bush can do no wrong. You can't get any better, whether you're spreading democracy or helping the nation.
George Bush is the best president in the world!!!
by Republicansin08 December 3, 2006
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Proof that Darwin's theory of evolution can also go backwards.
"It's important for people to know that I'm the president of everybody."
"If you see a train wreck coming, you ought to be saying, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Congressman, or Madam Congressman?"
"We want results in every single classroom so that one single child is left behind."
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
by Lady Pain March 5, 2005
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a dumbass. a dumbass who got elected by well, dumbasses. he is the reason why we lost our allies. he is the reason why so many innocent people in iraq are losing their lives. the only smart thing he will ever do is die. (:
"Hi i'm george bush and i have come to make your nation go down the drain."
by sara March 13, 2005
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a fucktard and a discrase to the United States America
George Bush is the worst president ever he's the reason my dad had to
go to dat hell hole we call iraq
by yo daddy house March 8, 2009
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A man who has had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter by his father, including a spot in the national gaurd instead of vietnam, permission to go AWOL from that spot in the national gaurd, numerous failed businesses, the governership of Texas, and (through his father's friends and supreme-court appointees) the presidency. A man with a curious penchant for saying one thing and doing another (hydrogen powered cars, "no child left behind" that left a whole shitload of kids behind, "clean air act" which made the air dirtier, claimed his tax cuts did not unfairly benefit the rich, claimed he would "raise the tone" in DC, WMD's, etc). Is able to get away with his lies due to a complacent, corporate media that is nothing more than the attack dogs of the Republican Party.
by Arfalarf January 29, 2004
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Most stupid man on earth and has only ever outsmarted one person, bbc political editor Nick Robinson.
Nick Robinson: asks some question about politics
George Bush: did you know your bald
NR: I didn't realise you cared
GB: I don't!
by mikalalalalalalalalalala March 29, 2011
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