Me: Hey master what is a clown
Solaire: *looks in the mirror*
by Kyuri Lindir December 3, 2022
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An insult used when someone has done something foolish.

Also used when someone has an opinion that you don’t agree with
Person 1: I put my milk in before my cereal
Person 2: you’re a clown!
by Octosc May 10, 2019
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Someone who's so cringe they're laughable/sumwun who's jus an absolute mong
Did u see jezza flexing his monster cans in school today notes?
Yeah wot a fucken clown
by Groovys3xynonce May 17, 2019
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Someone who enjoys a laugh and enjoys making other people laugh. Can always see the funny side to a situation and takes pleasure in cheering someone up by giving them something to laugh about.
Jim: Mon is such a clown, she told me a joke about a dog and a cucumber. Made me laugh so hard.
by xXPlumXx January 14, 2018
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oh we about to clown
by 1Dstan July 23, 2020
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NOUN: A person who strives for attention, as a clown in a circus does. Follows hype and fashion faux pas to fit in but still "stand out."
Yo, that nigga's a clown! With his dookie chain, big frames; skinny jeans and Run DMC shirt!
by Yoddit February 15, 2008
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Someone who disagrees with me
Your not only a clown your the entire circus
by October 7, 2020
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