Overpriced garbage wireless earbuds that look like toothbrushes hanging out your bloody ears.
"Yo wazzup bro I got new Airpods" "You mean those overpriced toothbrushes?" "_______..,.,.,../////////___<?<>!!~~@@!)++!"
by Airpods boy. October 2, 2019
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AirPods a special design of earphones which are given out to the homeless as they are not financially able to afford a wire to connect them.
A nickname for someone who wears AirPods: Homeless
Yo that guy over there’s is homeless

(Because he had AirPods in)
by Mr mcparland February 17, 2019
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The neologism refers to using the AirPod unit, world's first smart napping pod, placed at elite locations worldwide.

Basic advantages of the AirPod unit:
- take a nap,
- revitalize,
- privacy in public places,
- using the web,
- entertainment.
I decided to airpod, everytime my flight is delayed.
by AirPod December 6, 2018
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Wireless earphones developed by Apple inc released in late 2016.

By purchasing these magical music playing EarPods, you’re now in the “elite” section of society and better than everybody else.
Hey, James got AirPods.
Oh my god! He’s too cool for us now.
by _Jackbarrett4 February 14, 2019
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Earbuds made for poor people who can't afford the fucking wires!

Example: you drop your phone and your using airpods, there is nothing to keep it from hitting the ground and shattering. But if you're wearing Wired Earbuds, the wire has a HUGEEEE possibility of saving it from hitting the ground.
girl 1: Did you see Kaden's Airpods?
girl1: they are the hottest thing I've ever seen on him! I'm literally drooling
girl 2: Yea I did see them. But first off they are not hot, he just can't afford wires, and second your nasty get away.
by addy24681 February 20, 2019
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what you use when you have a red louis vuitton bag, waves, and no friends
"man, that dude over there looks retarded, he has AIRPODS in"
by lilhuddysnpass March 5, 2019
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those $160 earbuds without wires. makes people look at you funny and stuff at school. gets the lower income people jealous, and attracts dudes at certain times.;)
1- hey what are those?
2- my AirPods.
1- k rich kid.
by asiana.maddie June 8, 2019
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