Something crazy girls say after you explain a joke to them.
Normal person: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Crazy Girl: I don't know, you're such a spazz
Normal Person: To get to the other side...
Crazy Girl: ooooohhhhhh gotcha... good one
by May 20, 2011
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The ones which are better than the shitty ones.
hey I don’t want those shitty ones I want the good ass ones from the back
by Barndooropen October 1, 2023
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To ask whether something is good
Person 1: "I saw a movie on the weekend"
Person 2: "is good or not one?"
by JeiBroe May 5, 2021
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To ask whether something is good or not.
Person 1: "I saw a movie on the weekend"
Person 2: "Is good or not one?"
by JeiBroe May 5, 2021
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don't go down there, good old one eye is angry. When he gets agitated he sneezes love snot upon thee.
by good old one eye January 7, 2005
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STOP UNEXCEPTING MY DEFINITIONS AND UPLOADING MY STUPID ONES. Let me just say, if this gets posted I will shit myself laughing.
It's kind of self explanatory.

When Your Stupid Posts Get Uploaded Instead of Your Good Ones
by The Nintendo Fan 1889 October 13, 2016
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