Shower room mischief pioneered by Penn State football coaches. One participant must be under 18.
Father Donovan was moved to another parish after they caught him and little Bobby doing it Penn State style.
by gadflye November 12, 2011
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To be overcome withe the need to tell everyone you go to Penn State and to be a belligerent when screaming "WE ARE".
Penn state syndrome: Randomly walking around campus during football season screaming "WE ARE!" even when noone answers and you look like a full of period blood
by Abjr C July 24, 2008
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The act of having consensual sex with someone. Formally referred to as "rape". Jerry Sandusky is responsible for the word after raping multiple adolescent boys in the showers of Penn State.
Tom: I heard Cyndi was mugged last night.
Kyle: Really? I heard some guy gave her a "Penn State Shower".
by Eli Forp-Ekaf December 2, 2011
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When your gym teacher helps you place the boobies into your bra, or your ding-a-ling into your jock strap.
1. My friend told me how her lesbaton gym teacher helped her squeeze those DDD boobies into that AA bra. The Penn State Scrape

2. My gym teacher was so helpful; he helped me wrestle my pants snake into that little bitty jockstrap. The Penn State Scrape
by mr. mojo rpsgt November 11, 2011
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the need to tell penn state joke even though it isn't funny
JAcob- "what did the penn state worker say to the penn state worker?"

Mike- "What?"

JAcob- "Wanna take a shower?"

Mike- "ur gay"

that is penn state sydrome
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This is the biggest pussy school of all Satellite Campuses out of any college or university in the country. Nobody does anything there, no parties, and no pussy. Only thing you can do is go to the gym and cross your fingers waiting for the day you get sent up to main. You will be the butt of all jokes with your friends if you go here.
The cunt Sally couldn't get into main so she took her last option and went to Penn State Berks.
by Lenny Kikstra August 3, 2011
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