process of planting ones ass on a pie for sexual release
Andrew is a squat cobbler, it gets him off.
by The Glinch February 23, 2016
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The fetish act performed by a nude male, or female squatting their gentitalia into a pie and wiggling. Also known as Boston Creme Splat, Double moon moon pie, and Dutch Apple Ass. Coined by Saul Goodman in 'Better Call Saul'.
The art patron purchased videos from the man doing a squat cobbler.
by bettercall February 29, 2016
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A fetish act involving a nude male squatting into a pie with genitalia and anus, at which point a wiggle is performed.
The art patron paid for videos of a squat cobbler.
by bettercall February 27, 2016
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When a man sits in a pie.
WOW! Nice squat cobbler you did back there!
by mememachine11 February 27, 2016
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When a fully clothed man in a costume sits on a pie and wiggles around in it
Dan: What kind of pie do squat cobblers use?
Jimmy: I don't know. Peach, banana cream, not really my area of expertise.
by PatrickMcElephant February 25, 2016
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An "art" that involves the act of squatting in a pie, rubbing your ass cheeks in it and recording it as a fetish video . Mentioned in AMC's Better Call Saul.
Jimmy: "He was making squat cobbler videos for a wealthy gentleman."
by straight_busta February 24, 2016
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The act of squatting naked in a pie.
I just got off on watching Kim perform a squat cobbler. So sexy...
by BKTHNDR February 23, 2016
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