Anti-swearword shamelessly stolen from Red Dwarf. Mostly used by those who are British. It technically means sperm, but, like many swear words, it's used for many other things.
Smeg head.
What the smeg are you doing?!
I've got a smeggy bell.
by Maplin January 20, 2005
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manky shit, or a word from the Red Dwarf TV series.
Oh smeg I left the oven on, now the house has burnt down!!!!
by Hawker February 14, 2004
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megs likes to be clled smeg because she doesnt like megs but does like smeg.
by White Wicca March 12, 2004
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The unique and delightful smell of a male grundel.
MMMMmmmm, the smeg of that grundle gives me a huge erection.

by Lo Pan (the real dude) October 30, 2003
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When someone wanks off or has sex white liquid is produced.
I have smeg all over my trouseres!
Don't Smeg on me
by Chris:CWHS January 13, 2006
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It is actually a lubricant created by the body, but can be used to substitute the puerile word, " ", without people knowing what you are on about!
Red Dwarf says it a lot
by KonCepT December 9, 2003
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a white crust that forms around the genitles when you do not shower
by fanboy who does not wash March 16, 2005
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