Another word commonly used for Vodka, rarely used in Slav countries
"Hey Mike, pass the Slav Juice"
by Legit not a troll December 19, 2017
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The state you are in after snorting a line of blow and ripping a bong.
- He died from speedball!
- Have you heard of slav speedball?
- No, how does it compare?
- It's not as deadly and soul-crushing but it's a lighter version of an inhibiting, 'downer' drug and a hardcore accelerating stimulant - blow and weed.
by matopato July 11, 2021
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Beating someone across the back with a crowbar, pipe or other hard object
Igor gone done messed up so I gave him a slav massage
by The Ukrainian Mob November 13, 2018
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Someone from the western world who thinks they’re Slavic because they said comrade once abs wear Adidas.
Generally the only Russian words they know are:
Cyka Blyat
Also they see all Slavs as Russian
Tommy: Privyet Comrade we will work for glorious motherland

Richard: Shut up Western Slav
by Imagine reading this February 9, 2021
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A smexy tiktok editor that deserves all da chicks
Dude:O shit is that mad slav?

Me:yeah dat smexy editor
by Therealalphamale March 10, 2020
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a person who squats and eats semechki with vodka all day. usually very lazy but sometimes gets up to drink more vodka.
Matthew is a ~Slav~!
by cyka Блядь February 25, 2019
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